Building the Future of Hedge Funds

Welcome to Greener Pastures

We specialize in helping hedge funds managing between $500 million and $3 billion get the most out of people and processes for growth. Led by Marc Greenberg, a seasoned expert with over 40 years of industry experience, we provide insights and strategies to help your firm excel. Our mission is to empower your team with the right tools and people to ensure a consistent, repeatable investment process, sustaining long term success.

Our Vision

At Greener Pastures, our commitment to these principles drives us to help our clients achieve superior returns and foster long-term growth in the competitive world of hedge funds.

  • Observing stock price movements over the years teaches us that machine learning and AI are merely the latest enablers for an investment approach that embraces innovation as necessary to keep pace with a market that waits for no one. It’s most often where the alpha lives and presents the best opportunity to build successful returns and strategies.

  • With so much of a firm’s long-term fortunes tied to communication, process and market orientation, it’s not surprising that so many high performing investors typically “grow-up” inside an organization vs. outside of it. Sure, it’s possible to import high level talent that’s already matured somewhere else, but the notion that someone can come in and be “plug and play” is flawed. This underscores why top firms are building talent development centers and increasingly looking for the next leaders at the undergraduate level. It’s also cheaper to find the next Messi before the first Ballon d’Or vs. after the 8th.

  • Practice doesn’t always make perfect, but familiarity and consistency in process embeds a kind of muscle memory that frees up time to focus on what counts, to go deep where you need to. For the team’s decision-makers, that’s one less thing to worry about, and returns often reflect that.

  • Successful firms create their DNA by playing to core strengths. Talent development, investment process and discipline, portfolio construction, risk management and resource allocation combine to form unique attributes firm-to-firm. To improve these outcomes and measure success, one must understand the language, learning approach and culture of the organization. Smart people that trade stocks for a living bring critical perspective to consider before implementing a solution. This takes time and an unbiased listener.

What Our Colleagues Are Saying

Where Investment Talent Grows

We’ll be with you every step of the way.